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Regional job subreddits, via /r/forhire.We will be lenient, as long as the post is somewhat related to /r/jobs ( The core mission of /r/jobs is for "How to get a Job" or "How to quit a job" ), we will allow it as long as it follows all other rules.

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Posts primarily consisting of complaints about co-workers, bosses, recruiters or otherwise should "low quality posts" will be removed if flagged. (5) Posts which do not relate to job/career advice are not allowed. All other types of content, including videos, must be submitted as a text post. The title of article submissions must begin with "". Refrain from using vague titles such as "I need help" and similar. (3) Please be specific with your post title. No posts or comments making personal attacks or wishing harm to others or themselves. (2) General Conduct - This is a professional, family friendly sub - Foul Language is not welcome.

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If you want to advertise, please buy an ad. Posts and/or comments of any "job boards", "job listings", "recruiters", "services", "ads" - regardless of "free" or "paid" are not allowed. No Job Posts or Self Promotion of any kind. Please make sure to set flair for your posts to facilitate categorization.

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